



选择一所大学是一个重大的决定. Helping guide your student through choosing the college that’s right for them can be challenging. We’re here to help you explore the important things to consider and share why SMC may be the right choice for your student.


  • 关于寻找大学的有用提示,
  • 有关SMC的资料
  • 重要的截止日期提醒,以及
  • 特别活动邀请.

点击下面的按钮, 输入你学生的信息, and add your contact info to get the support your family deserves from enrollment to employment.


无. 1 concern for most students – and their parents and supporters – in searching for a college is what it will cost to earn their degree.  SMC is one of the most cost-effective colleges in the Upstate. We provide competitive prices for tuition and housing as well as a number of financial aid options to help reduce that cost. Our Full-Tuition and Pioneer Promise scholarships even cover the full cost of tuition for those who qualify for the SC LIFE Scholarship.



High-performing students who enroll in on-campus degree programs can get rewarded for their academic achievements at SMC with one of our two tuition-free scholarship offers.

全额学费奖学金,任何获得3分的学生.0 or higher GPA who is eligible for the South Carolina LIFE Scholarship qualifies for free tuition at SMC as long as they maintain eligibility.

的年代.C. 获得4分的LIFE学者.0+ GPA, the 先锋承诺奖学金 will cover tuition AND the cost of fees AND books. So, all you pay is room and board if you live on campus or nothing if you commute.

Our financial aid counselors will walk your family through the process to find all the aid your student qualifies for and guide you through the application process. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里.



在SMC, our degree programs provide students with the knowledge necessary to pursue a career in their chosen field.

We have five bachelor’s degree programs to choose from including three Business Administration options, 心理学, 体育运动管理, 专业写作和数字通信, and a general Bachelor of Arts with six concentration options.

此外,pg真人提供六个副学士学位课程. All SMC students earn an associate degree before moving on to their bachelor's program, 四年给他们两个学位. Our SMC 在线 school offers eight bachelor's and four associate degrees completely online.

有关pg真人学位课程的更多信息, 点击这里.


除了良好的学术教育, SMC also provides career-focused skills that teach students how to function and flourish in the workforce as part of their degree.

pg真人独特的 Camak Core professional development program is a built-in part of their studies. It teaches tangible skills that employers say they want graduates to have like professional communication, 协作, 解决问题, 和领导能力. These skills provide our graduates with an advantage in securing their first big job, 进入职场的信心, 以及在事业上取得成功的技能.

To learn more about the Camak Core and how it will help you succeed, 点击这里.

See How SMC's Camak Core Focuses Your Degree on Career and Life Skills
Hear How the Camak Core Helped Rodney Setzer ('23) in the Workplace
Watch: Hear How the Camak Core Attracted Conor DePaoli '24 to SMC


进入大学可能会让人望而生畏. SMC provides your student with a community of support that will help put both of you at ease. 在pg真人的小, 多样化的, 友好的校园, pg真人的教师, 工作人员, and students provide a welcoming environment focused on the success of your student.

With small class sizes, our students receive more personalized attention from their professors. They get to know their students and work with them to help them succeed. Free tutoring services are available to all students as well.

pg真人独特的, single-advisor approach provides students with one person who serves as their academic advisor, 职业教练, 和啦啦队长. 他们会帮助你的学生选课, 确保他们能顺利毕业, 和他们一起找实习机会, and just be someone to listen if they are having a difficult time. They get to know your student and their story so they can help them write a happy ending. 欲了解更多信息,请 请查看pg真人的建议页面.


大学是学生学习和成长的时期. 除了他们的学习, they are learning how to live independently and growing into young adults. 在SMC, we provide the opportunities for them to find their passions and experience life on their own.

Our residence halls are a great place for your student to meet new people, 结交一群新朋友, 参与校园活动.

即使他们不选择住在校园里, there are dozens of groups and activities they can join to get the true college experience. From interest groups like the art club and video game club to professional 和领导能力 organizations like the Student Government Association and the Kappa Sigma Alpha community service club; your student will certainly find something that meets their interests.

Our student SMCX Involvement team develops numerous activities throughout the year. The student led Xvibes group works with the Involvement team to plan fun activities like movie nights, 游戏之夜, 舞蹈, 和更多的.



The best way to find out if a college is right for your student is to see it in person. We’re happy to welcome you to campus and show you around. Join us for one of our open house or enrollment days events or schedule a personal campus tour. 你将有机会与在读学生交谈, 教师, and 工作人员 to get an idea of what life at SMC is REALLY like.


已经说服? 你的学生现在就可以申请了.


  1. 你的学生完成了 SMC免费申请入场 然后上传成绩单
  2. 你的家庭完成了 免费FAFSA(学生资助)表格 使用SMC的学校代码003447

Your student can have an admissions decision within five business days and be on their way to college!

For more information about SMC and how we can help you and your student, 今天就联系招生顾问: